Last month I uploaded a post about "A Year of Selling Ebooks" (read it here, it'll change your life!). It was my 3rd most popular post. As per my usual modus operandi, I posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Here is the tweet that I came up with for twitter:
"Well, I've been selling ebooks for a year. Here are my stupendous results! #kindle #amwriting #kobo RT plz"
I tweeted variations on this message over three days adding in different hashtags so that it would be visible to various groups. I also used an "owly" link so I could track how many people clicked on that specific link and what countries they were from. I do keep track of stats just so I can get a general impression of what sort of impact my posts are having. It's impossible to know how many people saw this tweet but I did keep track of how many people retweeted it. It was retweeted 46 times by other twitter people (you have my eternal gratitude). And it reached:
91,000 people! That's 182, 000 eyeballs!
Well, that's how many people were following the various people who were kind enough to retweet my tweets. As we all know only a small percentage of them would see the tweet and an even smaller percentage would click on the link. The results that I could measure were that I had around 3000 hits on my Blogspot blog. I also sold 20 or so books on Amazon in the space of those few days (it was only selling 5 or so in the same time period before I did my blitz). And I gained about a hundred twitter followers.
Was it worthwhile? Absolutely. It got my name out there a bit further. It's proof to me that what people are looking for is information, not so much "sales" (my tweets with a more direct "buy my book" message get very few hits). And having new followers is always invaluable.
P.S. I bet you're dying to know what my 2nd most popular post was. Well it was: How to Write Novels and Lose Weight.
P.P.S And my most famous post is... Treadmill Desk: How to Make Millions and Write More Weird what you become popular for, eh?
I'm surprised "How to Write Novels and Lose Weight" wasn't number one. I'll have to try your strategy and see what happens. :)
Be careful with extrapolating stats, Art. You can't ruled out the odd one-eyed man among your clickers. ;-)
That's fascinating as always, Arthur.
Arthur, I have passed on the Liebster Blog Award to you. Please see my blog for more info. I hope you don't mind. :)
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