Lo and behold the day has finally arrived. Mr. Fed Ex pulled up and lugged a box of books into my house. The excitement was palpable. It was like Christmas and Halloween in August. Gosh, what could my publisher have sent me? My author's copies of my latest book? Could it be? With a snicker snack the tape on the box was cut and voila (that's French for "Woo hoo")--the contents were revealed.

Yes, 20 little copies of the Canadian version of The Hunchback Assignments all in paper over board, just like I was told they would be. They looked so orderly, so neat, so tidy, so ready to leap out at the world. This is my fourteenth book to be published and it's still just as much fun to open the box and peruse through the books. I was especially impressed by their spines. Look, a floating evil head on the spine. If that won't sell books, I'll eat my top hat!

Now to put them on my shelves and to send them off to the people I owe copies to. Oh, and to sit back and wait for the American version to arrive...
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